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University Anti-Drug Public Speaking Competition


To further enhance students' awareness and ability to recognize and reject drugs and foster a healthy and civilized campus learning and living style, the College of International Education, Security Department and School of Foreign Languages successfully held the 2023 Zhejiang Gongshang University Anti-Drug Public Speaking Competition.


我院学生Tamuda Takudzwa Ngirande同学获得三等奖

       此次大赛吸引了众多师生的关注,现场气氛热烈,掌声不断。经过激烈的角逐,我院学生Tamuda Takudzwa Ngirande同学获得三等奖。精彩的宣讲赢得了大家的认可和赞誉。此次大学生禁毒宣讲大赛,不仅展现了我校中外学生抵御毒品的决心,更是在校园内营造了浓厚的拒毒氛围,提高了广大师生对毒品危害的认识和警惕性。学生们纷纷表示,今天的比赛虽然告一段落,但他们对禁毒的宣传和防线不会松懈。他们将继续携手共进,以更加坚定的决心和更加有力的行动,为校园生活筑起一道坚不可摧的防线。他们坚信,只要大家齐心协力,坚定拒毒信念,就一定能够打赢这场禁毒的人民战争!

This competition attracted a lot of attention from teachers and students, creating a warm and enthusiastic atmosphere in the audience. After fierce competition, Tamuda Takudzwa Ngirande won the third prize. The wonderful speeches won recognition and praise from all audiences.The Anti-Drug Public Speaking Competition not only showed the determination of our Chinese and international students, but also created a strong anti-drug atmosphere on campus, raising awareness of the dangers of drugs among teachers and students. Students taking part in the activity said although today's competition has come to an end, they will not slack off in their promotion of drug control.They will keep working hand in hand to build an indestructible defense for the school life with stronger determination and stronger actions.They believed that as long as they work together with a firm rejection of drugs, they can win the people's war against drugs.



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