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“数字+”与之江统计讲坛(第22讲)11月17日 天津大学邵井海教授来我院讲座预告
( 来源:   发布日期:2022-11-14 阅读:次)

题目: Optimal feedback control problem for McKean-Vlasov SDEs








       This work concerns the optimal control problem for McKean-Vlasov SDEs.  Explicit sufficient conditions are given to ensure the existence of optimal feedback controls, and then the dynamic programming principle is established. In order to characterize the value function, as the state variable of the value function contains the probability measure, we use Mortensen's derivative to establish a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation on the Wasserstein space and show that the value function is a unique viscosity solution to this equation. In particular, a comparison principle is established for the associated viscosity sub- or super-viscosity solutions. Our approach is based on the heat kernel estimate of Gaussian type for the controlled diffusion processes.

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